February 27, 2014


I saw this graffiti while driving to Illinois. It was in Arkansas on the side of the interstate, about as close as you can get to Missouri without actually being there. It amused the hell out of me, and I was unable to photograph it because I was driving, and my dad was catching up on some sleep in the passenger seat. I filed it away to use someday in a painting. Maybe. On the way back we were lucky (?) enough to be snagged in a black ice traffic jam. Here was my grand chance. My second chance!  I was still driving, but managed to get my dad to take this picture for me. I never told him exactly what it was... just some stuff spray painted on the side of a building that was coming up soon. Mom laughed, horrified that I'd conned my dad into being a complicit participant in my crude sense of humor.

I guess the real lesson here is that a few extra passes of the spray paint and some inventive spelling is far easier than whitewashing a wall.  Where's Tom Sawyer when you need him?

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